Patching(1) microemacs Patching(1) PATCHING This page describes how to patch a MicroEmacs installation with a later release without re-installing. Windows Windows requires careful patching in order not to disturb the registry settings The following procedure should be followed. * Move to the jasspa directory, c:\ProgramFiles\JASSPA\Microemacs. * COPY the executable me32.exe to a backup, you MUST copy the file otherwise the registry settings will change. DO NOT MOVE THE FILE. copy me32.exe me32_2002_12.exe * Save the macros directory, these may be moved i.e. rename macros macros_2002_12 * Unpack and install the new Windows executable and COPY over the original executable that was previously backed up i.e. copy c:\path-to-executable\me32-win32-20040108-rc1.exe me32.exe * Create a new macros directory and install the macros into this new directory, do this manually or using a utility like WINZip. mkdir macros cd macros unzip c:\path-to\ * The new version of MicroEmacs will now operate with the old installation environment. You may return to the old release by reversing the steps to patch the installation. UNIX/Linux For *NIX package installations then patching is a little easier. The steps are defined as follows:- * Move to the jasspa directory. cd /opt/jasspa/bin * Save the original executable. mv me me_200212 * Unpack the new executable and make it executable. gunzip me-sun-solaris-20040108-rc1.gz mv me-sun-solaris-20040108-rc1 me chmod a+x me * Save the existing macros directory. cd /opt/jasspa mv macros macros_200212 * Create a new macros directory and install the new macros:- mkdir macros cd macros unzip /path-to/ * Installed packages are built with the install path built into the executable, this may be different from the patch version of the executable so the environment variable $MEINSTALLPATH(5) may be defined in the environment with the macro installation search paths. SEE ALSO $MENAME(5), $MEINSTALLPATH(5), Company Profiles, Installation, File Hooks, File Language Templates, User Profiles.