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Documentation Modes

The following document explains the documentation modes of JASSPA's MicroEmacs. The information is presented as is appears within the editor window. This was reproduced by MicroEmacs by printing to the HTML device, this converts the ASCII text (with hilighting) into an HTML document.

The original document docmode.txt may be downloaded and viewed in the editor.

Return to how to

  > -!- document; fill-column: 65; fill-mode: full -!-
  > Author:   
  > Created:  Wed Feb 2 20:23:35 2000
  > Modified: <20000323.0006>

  1.0 Overview of the Documentation Modes

  This is the 2nd revision of this  document  that outlines the
  documentation  mode  supported by JASSPA's  MicroEmacs.  This
  document   has  been  revised  from  the  previous   document
  following  a  number  changes  in the  way  that  other  code
  fragments  may be included  into the document and  hilighted.
  These  changes are  effective  from releases made after March

  Primarily the original "sectioned" and "pseudo-code" document
  types have been  replaced by the "-!-  document  -!-" type. A
  new  document  type  called "-!- text -!-" has been  created,
  this is the default for all files with  extension  ".txt" and
  has no hilighting.

  "psuedo-code" is now performed by surrounding the pseudo code
  block with document markers:-

  // Function to do something
  FUNCTION myFunction
  IF condition
  do something

  This technique of inclusion allows other scheme inserts to be
  included   into  the  document   i.e.  'C',  BNF  etc.  These
  techniques are discussed later.

  1.1 Background

  The document mode (enabled on files with extensions of ".doc"
  or  ".txt"),  is a  manual  text  layout  mode  that  retains
  formatting.  What  that  basically  means  is that  you do an
  initial  layout  and  there  after the  editor  endeavors  to
  preserve it when you make changes.

  When  you  run  in  document  mode  we  typically  run  in  a
  $fill-mode  "B". This is the automatic mode (Both  Automatic)
  that  attempts  to  identify  the format of the text, this is
  based on the word(s)  position on the line and adjacent text.
  As this mode is automatic  mistakes are sometimes  made (i.e.
  it drops to center rather than justified).

  The  advantage  of  running  like  this is once  the  text is
  reasonably   formatted  you  can  then  re-format  the  whole
  document as you make changes (i.e. add and delete things).

  There is a quick  pop-up  help  page  that  shows you the key
  bindings. (I was  planning on putting  these on the mouse but
  never got round to it). Get the help using:-

  M-h or Esc-h

  1.2 Cursor Position

  The  cursor  position  is  always  left,  this  is  a  little
  unfamiliar  when  you are  used to  center  or  right  cursor
  positions. This is what happens next

  The general rule is you enter a paragraph and then format the
  paragraph  to the  appropriate  position.  Generally  we edit
  justified  left or  justified  both, it is rare  that we edit
  center or right. Hence left or both is always on.

  1.3 Quick Summary

       @  C-c C-b Justify about both margins
          C-C C-c Justify center
          C-C C-l Justify left
          C-c C-r Justify right

       @  M-o to fill the paragraph

  If you fill in the middle of a paragraph the cursor stays
  where  it is. If you  fill on a blank  line it fills  the
  next paragraph and advances to the next.

  There  are other  keys to change  the  justification  mode as
  indicated  on the help pop-up.  Paragraph  formatting  may be
  performed from the menu.

  1.4 Types of document modes

  MicroEmacs  is  currently  shipped with two types of document

  1.4.1 Text

  Standard  plain  text or no  fixed  format.  No,  colored
  syntax  hilighting  is  applied to the text. A plain text
  file is assumed for files  ending in ".txt" or those that
  include the magic string "-!- text -!-".

  1.4.2 Document

  Document mode is a more  sophisticated  text mode. Within
  documentation  mode  hilighting  is  applied  to the text
  which  is  assumed  to fit a  loose  set of  rules  which
  designate  the text as a  document.  This may be  section
  numbers, literal paragraphs, bullets etc.

  The  text  must fit  these  loose  constraints  otherwise
  anomalies   occur   with   the   hilighting   which   may
  misrepresent the information.

  A document  file is a file that ends in ".doc" or include
  the magic string "-!- document -!-".

  2.0 Working In The Text Modes

  This  section   describes   the  basics  of  working  in  the
  documentation mode.

  2.1 Whats a paragraph ??

  A paragraph in  MicroEmacs  is anything that is separated
  by a blank line. There are no control  characters  in the
  text so this really is WYSIWYG !!

  This is the next  paragraph.  So in any of the  automatic
  modes (i.e. "N"), the context of the surrounding  text is
  used  to  determine  the  paragraph  formatting.  This is
  crude, but operates correctly 95% of the time.

  The layout of any existing  text allows the  formatter to
  work out where things should go.

  2.1.1 The Fill Column

  There is a fill column on the right which  determines how
  long the paragraph is. I'm using a short one so this does
  not get wrapped by the mailer, the typical value is 78.

  $fill-col ..................... "65"

  Documents  may use  predefined  fill  columns by adding a
  magic  header  to the top of the  file.  i.e. for a plain
  text document:-

  -!- text; fill-column: 65 -!-

  For a document (i.e. with headings and hilighting),  then
  the following header is used:-

  -!- document; fill-column: 65 -!-

  Note  that  the  $fill-column  within  the  documentation
  buffers  is private to that  buffer.  Modifying  the fill
  column affects the current buffer only.

  2.2.2 The Fill Mode

  The fill mode determines how paragraphs are filled. These
  are   detailed   in  the  on-line   documentation   under
  $fill-mode. The most commonly used settings are:-

  Justify left and right (both or full  justification).
  This  gives neat line  endings on both the  left-hand
  and right-hand sides of the text.

  $fill-mode .................... "B"

  Justify  left,  produces  a neat  left-hand  edge and
  ragged right-hand edge.

  $fill-mode .................... "L"

  Justify none, Turns off all justification,  lines are
  not wrapped, what you type is what you get.

  $fill-mode .................... "n"

  Documents may use predefined  fill mode by adding a magic
  header  to the top of the  file.  i.e.  for a plain  text

  -!- text; fill-mode: left -!-

  For a document (i.e. with headings and hilighting),  then
  the following header is used:-

  -!- document; fill-mode: left -!-

  The recognized keywords are:-

          @   full   - Justified left and right margins.
              both   - Justified left and right margins.
              left   - Justified left only
              right  - Justified right only
              center - Justified center text
              none   - Disable all justification

  All modes, with the  exception of none, are assumed to be
  automatic  in  that  they  recognize  pre-formatted  left
  (column 0), right and centered text.

  Where both the fill  column and fill mode  required  then
  they may be specified as:-

  -!- document; fill-column: 65; fill-mode: full -!-

  Note that the $fill-mode within the documentation buffers
  is  private  to that  buffer.  Modifying  the  fill  mode
  affects the current buffer only.

  2.2 Left Text (Work off the margin or column 0)

  The margin is magic,  anything  on column 0 is assumed to
  be hard left justified text i.e.

  This should not
  format because it is
  hard left

  Most text in the  document  should be off the  margin (or
  gutter).  Text on the  gutter  should  be  restricted  to
  titles for it to work correctly. Gutter text only remains
  untouched in the $fill-mode automatic modes (L/R/C/B).

  Text  may be  moved  to the  gutter  using  "C-c  C-g" to
  reformat the paragraph.

  2.2.1 On a re-format

  Left  justified  text is  assumed  to exist at column
  zero  and  does  not  extend  beyond  50% of the fill

  2.3 Right Text (Work to right margin or $fill-col)

  Right text is not as you  normally  expected  because the
  cursor is on the left. Enter the text on the left  margin
  and then format it to the right i.e.

  My Address
  My Street
  My County
  My Country
  My Zip code

  Perform a right paragraph operation on the text i.e. "C-c
          C-r"  and  it  appears  on  the  right  at the  $fill-col
  position i.e.

  My Address
  My Street
  My County
  My Country
  My Zip code

  2.3.1 On a re-format

  With right  text, when you format it lines  extending
  from 50% of the  fill  column  to the end of the line
  are considered to be right justified.

  2.4 Center Text

  Center  is   similar   to  the  above,  but  a  bit  more
  manageable,  again enter in on the left and then use "C-c
          C-c" to center justify. Lines are preserved.

  This is in the center
  This is a bit more

  2.3.1 On a re-format

  If the number of spaces either side of the margins is
  the same (+/-1) then the text is assumed to be center
  justified.  This sometimes  causes  problems when you
  require  justified lines and centering is assumed; in
  this  instance  simply delete the end of the line and

  2.5 Justified Text

  Any  other  text  that  does  not fit the  aforementioned
  criteria  is  assumed  to be  justified  to  the  current
  setting of $fill-col.

  Indentation  commences  from the first column where a
  text character appears so this line will wrap in line
  with the first.

  Indent again and the same thing happens, this bit
  of text (when I write enough) will keep in line.

  2.6 Literal Text

  Often  you want to put text in the  document  that is not
  subject  to  justification.  This  is  controlled  by the
  "$fill-ignore"  variable (use "M-x list-variables" to see
  them all).

  The default is:-

  $fill-ignore .................. ">_@"

  Any paragraph that commences with the above characters is
  not filled so:-

  > This is a paragraph
  > that is not subject to re-formatting
  >      spaces
  >          are
  >            retained.

          @ This is another
               note that only the first character
         of the
                  is marked
          when you re-format
                               this should be still as you left it.

  _ And
  another - I think this is enough !!

  2.7 Bullets

  Bullets  are  useful  for  lists  and  alike. As with the
  absolute  text  there are a few of  characters  which are
  recognized as bullet characters. These are defined with:-

          @    $fill-bullet .................. "*)].-"
               $fill-bullet-len .............. "15"

  The   "$fill-bullet"   characters   are   obviously   the
  characters  recognized as bullets.  "$fill-bullet-len" is
  the number of  characters  into the paragraph to look for
  bullets. Examples include:-

  * Simple bullet

  * Note that there is a paragraph space between them, also
  note that  bullets  should be  aligned  to the left and
  right. You get prompted to do this when you  re-format.
  If you re-format again you will not be prompted because
  it works  out that the  first 2 lines of the  paragraph
  text are in alignment.

  a) Can have  letters,  the ")" is the  bullet  character,
  again we should be aligned.

  12345] Can have digits, the "]" is the bullet  character,
  again we should be aligned.

  Note - This time the  bullet  character  is '-', again we
  wrap and square up after the bullet.

  This one sometime  gives me problems when I forget
  it's a bullet so I tend to use a 'soft'  character
  when I do not want the indent i.e.

  Note:  This is what I call a soft  bullet, ME does
  not recognize this one so it wraps OK.

  ix. Maybe a few  Roman  numerals,  it's nice to see these
  from time to time. The bullet here is '.'.

  2.8 Editing the Document

  So now you have a text  document and you start to edit it
  and make  changes or run the speller over it. The columns
  go out of alignment.

  If you have  obeyed  all of the above  then you should be
  able to fill all of the  paragraphs  and get them looking
  nice again. you can do this by:-

  Menu -> Format -> Fill all Paragraphs

  Or if you do not  like  the  menu  goto  the top line and
  perform a

  Esc 10000 M-x fill-paragraph

  then all paragraphs are reformatted.

  2.8.1 What is IQ Fill paragraph ??

  IQ  Fill   paragraph  as  shown  in  the  menus,  or  the
  "ifill-paragraph"  command is a macro  alternative to the
  built in  "fill-paragraph".  This deals with bullets that
  are  adjacent  (i.e. no  intervening  blank  lines). This
  makes for better presentation but you have to be a little
  careful  that  you  always  use   "ifill-paragraph"   for
  formatting. i.e.

                   @  * ifill-paragraph  can cope with bullets that
                        are tightly packed.
                      * ifill-paragraph  can cope with bullets that
                        are tightly packed.

  This    document    has   not   been    authored    using
  "ifill-paragraph" and is escaped the above.

  2.9 Whats the advantage of the above

  The advantage of doing  everything  above is primarily to
  get a reasonable  looking document for the minimum amount
  of work on behalf of the author.

  Maybe I'm not familiar enough with Word Processors, but I
  can do a document  in double time like this  because I do
  not get distracted  with my styles blowing up, fontifying
  things  and  everything  else  going  wrong.  You tend to
  concentrate  on the text and not all the pretty bits that
  are not really  important until you have actually created
  the appropriate words for your masterpiece.

  3.0 Going Back To The Word Processor

  With a finished masterpiece of literature, in plain text then
  it is often desirable to move the text into the  presentation
  engine i.e. the Word Processor.

  Word  processors  tend to put paragraphs on one line. Cutting
  and pasting the  document as it stands does not make for good
  WP text unless the paste  target is a fixed font  destination
  (i.e.  Netscape for mail - not sure about  Microsoft  Outlook
  that probably wants pretty fonts everywhere !!)

  So to prepare, the following operations should be performed.

  a) Reformat your document for single line paragraphs. Do this

  Menu -> Format -> All Paragraphs to Lines

  or on the command line.

         @    top of buffer
              Esc 100000 M-x paragraph-to-line

  The paragraph-to-line  operation reduces the paragraphs to
  a single line,  removing any leading  spaces.  These lines
  may be  copied  into  the  word  processor,  resulting  in

  b) Format away ....

  You  now  have a bit of work to do  re-formatting  you new
  document  text in your word  processor.  This can be a bit
  tedious but it's simply adding emboldening and italicizing
  here and there  with a few tables and  pictures  thrown in
  for good  measure. You know the text is good so this makes
  for a relaxing brain dead afternoon !!

  4.0 Extensions

  There  are a  number  of  extensions  on the  standard  theme
  outlined above.

  4.1 Documents

  The document  mode "-!- document -!-" are text files with
  hilighting   applied.  These   documents  are  tagged  as

  > -!- document -!-
  > Author:   Jon Green
  > Created:  Wed Feb 2 20:23:35 2000
  > Modified: <20000202.2100>

  4.1.1 Hilighting Token Summary

  The hilighting is kept to a reasonable minimum, including
  the following:-

  Start/End markers

  "`..'"  `single acute/grave pair'
  "*..*"  *AnyAlphabeticSurroundedByAsterisks*
  "<..>"  <AnyAlphabeticSurroundedByGreaterOrLessThan>
  "_.._"  _AnyAlphabeticSurroundedByUnderScore_

  Literal Text Regions

  > This is a literal text region
  > Hilighting to end of line only.

              @ This is a literal
                region. It hilights
                to the next blank line.

  _ First Line. This is also
  a literal region, no hilighting
  on this one after the first line.

  Strings and quoted characters

  "string" and quoted 'q' '\0'

  Headings,  lines  that are  classed  as  `heading'  lines
  commence with the following text sequences:-

  > 4.0 Section Header
  > 4.1.1 Sub-Section header
  > Appendix A
  > Appendix A.1

  Bullets of the * or ) variety

  *  Bullet

  1) Bullet

  Note that any bullet-ed  sections with numbers  should be
  defined as:-

  > 1) bullet 1
  > 2) bullet 2

  rather than

  > 1. bullet 1
  > 2. bullet 2

  otherwise the incorrect hilighting will be applied.

  4.2 Code Inserts

  As  of  the  beginning  of Q2  2000,  then  the  original
  document modes of `sectioned' and `pseudo-code' have been
  removed.  These methods have been replaced by the ability
  to  insert   literal   fragments   of  other   coding  or
  documentation  schemes  into the text and signal a change
  in hilighting.

  Hooks for the code inserts are only supported as standard
  in the "-!-  document  -!-" mode,  details on  performing
  this type of operation is provided in the next section.

  The new scheme is introduced with a ">scheme>"  marker on
  the left margin  (gutter),  where `scheme' is the name of
  the scheme that you want to include i.e. the standard set

  ">bnf>" ............... Backus-Naur Form
  ">c>" ................. ANSI 'C'
  ">cpp>", ">c++>" ...... C++
  ">emf>" ............... MicroEmacs macro format
  ">pseudo>" ............ Pseudo code

  The code statement is terminated with a ">doc>" statement
  which returns the hilighting  mode to document mode. Note
  that the ">"  character  has been  selected  as the token
  leader.  Provided that the insert block includes no blank
  lines  then the block is treated as a literal  text block
  and  formatting  the  paragraph  does not affect the code
  block. Here are some examples:-

  4.2.1 Pseudo Code Example

  Include a pseudo code block:-

  // A days work
  FUNCTION a days work
  // A comment for my pseudo code.
  WHILE (NOT bored)
  IF (this condition is true)
  do something
  do something else
  RETURN home

  The  leading '>' protects  the text from  formatting.  Be
  careful  not to leave  blank  lines in your  pseudo  code
  because  this is a new  paragraph,  these  are  typically
  plugged with comments.

  4.2.2 C Code Example

  The classic Hello World program

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  /* Entry point */
  main (int argc, char *argv[])
  printf ("Hello World\n");
  return 0;

  4.2.3 Backus-Naur Form

  This  one is  included  as  standard  as it is  typically
  included  in  technical   documentation.  Follows  is  an
  example  of  BNF  for  the  Pascal  programming  language
  decimal notation:-

  !! Pascal decimal notation.
  <digit sequence> ::= <digit> { <digit> }
  <unsigned integer> ::= <digit sequence>
  <unsigned real> ::=
  <unsigned integer>.<digit sequence> |
  <unsigned integer>.<digit sequence>E<scale factor> |
  <unsigned integer> E <scale factor>
  <unsigned number> ::=
  <unsigned integer> | <unsigned real>
  <scale factor> ::=
  <unsigned integer> | <sign><unsigned integer>
  <sign> ::= + | -

  4.3 Extending the Code Inserts

  The number code insert types that may be supported may be
  increased  by defining  other code types within the local
  users extension file "mydoc.emf". i.e. to add the HTML to
  the supported set then the following would be defined.

  ; Allow HTML Code inserts
  ; Force the ".html" scheme to be loaded into the context of
  ; the document scheme. We delimit the .html scheme with a
  ; pair of markers ">html>" and ">doc>"
  ; Force the hilighting mode to load if not already loaded.
  !if &seq .hilight.html "ERROR"
  !force execute-file "hkhtml"
  ; If the hilighting mode is loaded then modify it.
  !if &not &seq .hilight.html "ERROR"
  hilight .hilight.doc 0xc0 "^>html>" ">html>" .hilight.html .scheme.hide
  hilight .hilight.html 0xc0 "^>doc>" ">doc>" .hilight.doc .scheme.hide

  The  macro  fragment  is simply  executed  when the first
  document  is  loaded.  There  is no need to  include  any
  additional  code in the hook  commands. The  operation of
  the code is defined as follows:-

  !if &seq .hilight.html "ERROR"
  !force execute-file "hkhtml"

  The  first  set of  commands  make  sure that the  target
  hilighting  scheme  is  loaded,  if they  are not then an
  explicit load is forced.

  !if &not &seq .hilight.html "ERROR"

  Check that the hilighting  scheme is loaded, if it is not
  then the scheme modifications are not applied.

  hilight .hilight.doc 0xc0 "^>html>" ">html>" .hilight.html .scheme.hide

  Declare a hilighting token in the documentation scheme to
  jump to the HTML hilighting scheme. The token that we use
  is ">html>"  which must  appear at the start of the line,
  hence is defined  "^>html>". The second  ">html>"  string
  defines  what appears on the screen. This may be modified
  if the screen  appearance is different  from the tag that
  appears  in  the  text.  `.hilight.html'  is  the  scheme
  identifier  of the  target  scheme  to which a branch  is
  being taken. `.scheme.hide' is the color in which the tag
  is rendered, the hidden scheme is selected here to reduce
  the prominence of the tag (it is still visible).

  hilight .hilight.html 0xc0 "^>doc>" ">doc>" .hilight.doc .scheme.hide

  The next  statement  defines  the  hilighting  token that
  returns the hilighting back to the documentation hilight.
  This is the same as the  previous  statement  except that
  the  hilight  token is  placed in the  target  hilighting
  scheme to return the hilight to the  documentation  mode.
  Typically ">doc>" may be used unless it conflicts with an
  existing hilighting token in the target scheme.

  4.3.1 Important Note on Code Inserts

  In order for the code  inserts  to operate  correctly
  then the  hilighting  schemes  must enable look back.
  This is defined when the scheme is initialized,  with
  a statement like:-

  0 hilight  .hilight.doc 2 50  $global-scheme

  Typically a look back value of 50 lines is specified,
  this restricts the insert blocks to 50 lines of text.
  These   values   may  be   extended   if   they   are
  insufficient, by may reduce the rendering speed.

  4.4 Folding

  The  folding  feature  of ME using  narrowing  allows  an
  overview  of  the  document  to be  created.  Folding  is
  supported  as standard in the "-!- document -!-" template
  where the folds are performed on the section numbers. The
  function  keys  "F2" and "F3", by  default,  control  the
  folding.  In  addition   <S-Left-Mouse>  folds  a  single

  The whole  document may be folded with "f3" the resultant
  output of this document looks exactly like this:

  > > -!- document; fill-column: 65; fill-mode: full -!-
  > > Author:   Jon Green
  > > Created:  Wed Feb 2 20:23:35 2000
  > > Modified: <20000322.2157>
  > 1.0 Overview of the Documentation Modes
  >     1.1 Background
  >     1.2 Cursor Position
  >     1.3 Quick Summary
  >     1.4 Types of document modes
  >     1.4.1 Text
  >     1.4.2 Document
  > 2.0 Working In The Text Modes
  >     2.1 Whats a paragraph ??
  >         2.1.1 The Fill Column
  >         2.2.2 The Fill Mode
  >     2.2 Left Text (Work off the margin or column 0)
  >         2.2.1 On a re-format
  >     2.3 Right Text (Work to right margin or $fill-col)
  >         2.3.1 On a re-format
  >     2.4 Center Text
  >         2.3.1 On a re-format
  >     2.5 Justified Text
  >     2.6 Literal Text
  >     2.7 Bullets
  >     2.8 Editing the Document
  >         2.8.1 What is IQ Fill paragraph ??
  >     2.9 Whats the advantage of the above
  > 3.0 Going Back To The Word Processor
  > 4.0 Extensions
  >     4.1 Documents
  >     4.2 Code Inserts
  >         4.2.1 Pseudo Code Example
  >         4.2.2 C Code Example
  >         4.2.3 Backus-Naur Form
  >     4.3 Extending the Code Inserts
  >         4.3.1 Important Note on Code Inserts
  >     4.4 Folding
  >         4.3.2 Hilighting
  >         4.3.3 Section Renumbering
  >     4.5 Other Tools
  > 5.0 Did you get this far ??
  > 6.0 End

  This  makes  it  easy to  edit.  Note  that a dummy  last
  section is added to make  everything  fold nicely. Single
  sections may be unfolded with "f2".

  With  folding  enabled  then  one has to be a little  bit
  careful not to edit over a folded section.

  4.4.1 Redefining the Folding

  The  definition of the folds may be redefined by the user
  by extending the macro template  through  "mydoc.emf". As
  an example of folding about section  numbers (i.e. "1.2.3
          title") then the following extension is sufficient:-

  ; my-fhook-doc; Extend the document bindings
  0 define-macro my-fhook-doc
  ; setup doc buffer folding support used in section
  ; and pseudo code modes.
  buffer-bind-unbound-key fold-current "f2"
  buffer-bind-unbound-key fold-all     "f3"
  ; Define the folding definitions.
  set-variable .fhook-doc.fold-open  "^ *[0-9]\\(\\.[0-9.]\\)*\\.? +\\w"
  set-variable .fhook-doc.fold-close "^ *[0-9]\\(\\.[0-9.]\\)*\\.? +\\w"
  set-variable .fhook-doc.fold-mopen "1"
  set-variable .fhook-doc.fold-mnext "-1"
  ml-write "[My document file extensions loaded]"

  Note that  these  extensions  are not  necessary  for the
  current  "-!-  document  -!-"  hook as they  are  already

  4.5 Extending the Hilighting

  The  "mydoc.emf"  may be used to extend  the  hilighting.
  These are  usually  tailored  to the kind of text that is
  worked  with. For  example  ~word~ may be added as a bold
  token,  and  %word%  as  italic.  This  could be added to
  "mydoc.emf" as follows:-

  hilight .hilight.doc 0 "~[A-Za-z_]+~" .scheme.bold
  hilight .hilight.doc 0 "%[A-Za-z_]+%" .scheme.italic

  4.6 Section Renumbering

  A number of macro  solutions have been posted to the mail
  reflector  on this  subject. I suggest that you look over

  4.5 Other Tools

  Other tools used with the documentation include:-

  * spell-buffer (Command line or menu)

  Spell checker.

  * clean (command line or menu)

  Removes all of the trailing spaces.

  * count-words

  Counts all the words.

  * print-buffer

  From the print dialog, an HTML  rendering of the page
  may  be  printed  to  a  buffer.  This   inserts  the
  appropriate  HTML hilighting into the page, retaining
  the layout.

  5.0 Did you get this far ??

  If you got this far well done !!


  Cut and paste  this into a document  and have a go !!
  You should be able to reformat the whole document and
  nothing will change.

  6.0 End

Copyright © 2000-2005 Jasspa