Jasspa's MicroEmacs is a continually on going development. Quite simply it evolves as people attempt to perform different tasks within the context of the editor. new features get added, existing features are refined to cater for a new requirement.
This gradual evolution is driven by our requirements as users and by the collective of Jasspa MicroEmacs users. We accept code and submissions for new features. We will implement users ideas if we think that they are useful for other people, or at least provide the building blocks that will enable an end user to realise a solution. We have in the past ported the editor to other platforms that we did not support (provided that we can get access to the machines).
New releases and patches to the software are made when appropriate. Much as we would like to issue a new release every six months, time typically prevents us from doing this. When we make a release we have usually beta tested the software for at least two months, just to ensure that the end users are not plagued by reliability issues. We typically get a number of more established users involved towards the tail end of the testing just to confirm that the system is behaving correctly.
To support the software that we ship then there are a number of on-line resources that you can check before contacting us directly.
On-line help
Jasspa's MicroEmacs ships with a comprehensive set of documentation which covers most aspects of the use of the editor. The help pages are available in a number of formats, as follows:-- On-line (.ehf) accessible from the menu in the following forms:-
- Searchable M-?, esc-h or Help->General Help
- Hyper link help pages esc-x help
- HTML version of pages
- Winhelp version of the pages
- Java assisted help pages (See
The additional help formats are available from the download page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions and answers.
Mailing List
Jasspa runs a mailing list which users may subscribe to, users may post their questions concerning Jasspa's MicroEmacs. The repository is available for browsing.
Email Support
Jasspa will respond, in confidence, to any E-Mail questions and suggestions.