

The following are contributions made by individuals which may prove useful to others. Some of the features outlined below may be incorporated into the release into the future. contributions below will typically include read-me files or annotated headers that will explain how they are used.

The content presented here may not have been validated by JASSPA, we accept no liability for the material posted. New contributions may be submitted by mail to support@jasspa.com.

Item Who Description File Date
31 Lechee Lai vgrep macros. hkgrp.emf
2009/07/25 -
30 Jon Green C Automatic indentation recognition. sub30.txt 2004/03/25 -
29 Jon Green Spotless - Clean all useless white space from file. sub29.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
28 Jon Green Java hilighting extensions - JavaDoc comment hilighting, TODO's etc. sub28.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
27 Jon Green C++ hilighting extensions - Doxygen comment hilighting, TODO's etc. sub27.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
26 Jon Green C hilighting extensions - Doxygen comment hilighting, TODO's, stdint.h, etc. sub26.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
25 Jon Green comment-adjust - End of line commenting accelerator. sub25.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
24 Jon Green insert-date - Macro to insert date at cursor position. sub24.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
23 Jon Green Super-delete - enhanced context sensitive delete. sub23.txt 2004/03/18 Sept 2006
22 Dan Perry Utility to align enum's (C Programming Language). sub22.txt 2002/10/11 -
21 Jon Green mailsearch - Utility to search a sendmail log. sub21.txt 2001/09/13 -
20 Jon Green previous-buffer command sub20.txt 2001/08/23 Sept 2006
19 Rodolfo Valeiras Reina Spanish keyboard translation codes sub19.txt 2001/08/23 Jan 2002
18 Dr. Detlef Groth Perldoc handling functions sub18.txt 2001/08/16 -
17 Jon Green save-region; Save the selected text region to a file sub17.txt 2001/08/13 -
16 Dr. Detlef Groth Running the man utility from ME using the cygwin tools. sub16.txt 2001/08/13 Mar 2004
15 Jon Green Converting a Netscape mailbox to Microsoft IIS News files. sub15.txt 2000/03/22 -
14 Dr Detlef Groth
Steve Phillips
Improved buffer popup: ordered by file extension sub14.txt 2001/08/08 Dec 2002
13 Dr Detlef Groth GNU Emacs like "occur" macros (or the extended list functions) sub13.txt 2001/08/08 Dec 2002
12 Dr Detlef Groth In-buffer highlight changing (revisited) sub12.txt 2001/02/16 July 2001
11 Dr Detlef Groth Invoking Help files from ME (java-version) sub11.txt 2001/02/15 -
10 Dr Detlef Groth Universal function tree builder sub10.txt 2000/12/22 -
9 Bruno Sabin MicroEmacs Edit for all - Windows register setup file. sub9.txt 2000/06/16 Sept 2006
8 Bruno Sabin ME Windows register setup file. sub8.txt 2000/06/16 Sept 2006
7 Dr Detlef Groth Auto-completion macro. sub7.txt 2000/04/26 Dec 2002
6 Dr Detlef Groth Cygwin-Bash: Color ls inside ME. sub6.txt 2000/03/22 Mar 2004
5 Jon Green Hypertexting to help from list-commands buffer. sub5.txt 2000/03/15 July 2001
4 Jon Green Further; in-buffer highlight changing. sub4.txt 2000/03/14 July 2001
3 Thomas Hundt reread-file. sub3.txt 2001/03/23 July 2001
2 Dr Detlef Groth In-buffer highlight changing. sub2.txt 2000/03/08 July 2001
1 Dr Detlef Groth ME as download-monster. sub1.txt 2000/02/16 -


This program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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