
Apple Mac Download

Component Install Only

The PPC binary will also run on Intel architectures. The X-Windows component should be installed if the X-Windows version is being used.

Main Components - required components.
jasspame.pdf JASSPA MicroEmacs Quick Start Guide.
jasspa-mec-apple-ppc-10.3-20091011.gz PPC Console only. Apple Mac OS-X (PPC) 10.3.x (Darwin 7.8.x) pre-built executable supporting Console mode only -- runs in shell window and does not require X-Windows. If X-Windows is not installed then rename the executable from mec to me
Will also require metree to run.
jasspa-mec-apple-x86-20091011.gz Intel Console only. Apple Mac OS-X (Intel) pre-built executable supporting Console mode only -- runs in shell window and does not require X-Windows. If X-Windows is not installed then rename the executable from mec to me
Will also require metree to run.
jasspa-me-apple-ppc-10.3-20091011.gz PPC X-Windows and Console. Apple Mac OS-X (PPC) 10.3.x (Darwin 7.8.x) pre-built executable supporting X-Windows and Console modes. Requires the X-Server to be installed to run. The X-Server may be found on the O/S installation disk or is available via download.
Will also require metree 20060909-2 to run.
jasspa-me-apple-x86-20091011.gz Intel X-Windows and Console. Apple Mac OS-X (Intel) pre-built executable supporting X-Windows and Console modes. Requires the X-Server to be installed to run. The X-Server may be found on the O/S installation disk or is available via download.
Will also require metree 20060909-2 to run.
Pre-built macros tree for installation, includes macros and help information. You do not require the memacros bundle if this is downloaded.

System Wide Component Installation

As root, unpack metree which creates a directory tree called jasspa and install into the /usr/share directory. i.e.

  cd /usr/share
  gtar zxvf /path-to-tarball/jasspa-metree-yyyymmdd.tar.gz

The directory /usr/share/jasspa should now exist. Add downloaded spelling dictionaries by unpacking into the /usr/share/jasspa/spell subdirectory.

Unpack the binary into the /usr/bin directory.

  gunzip -c /path-to-tarball/jasspa-me-apple-mac-10.3-yyyymmdd.gz > /usr/bin/me
  chmod a+rx /usr/bin/me

MicroEmacs may now be invoked from the command line or via a short cut. On the very first first execution follow the instructions on setting up your environment.

Single User Component Installation

Unpack metree in your home directory, this generates a directory tree called jasspa. Once unpacked then rename the directory to .jasspa.

  cd ~
  gtar zxvf /path-to-tarball/jasspa-metree-yyyymmdd.tar.gz
  mv jasspa .jasspa

Add downloaded spelling dictionaries by unpacking into the ~/.jasspa/spell subdirectory.

Install the binary into your local binary directory - we assume ~/bin i.e.

  gunzip -c /path-to-tarball/jasspa-me-apple-mac-10.3-yyyymmdd.gz > ~/bin/me
  chmod a+rx ~/bin/me

Assuming that the binary directory ~/bin is already on the users path then the installation is complete, otherwise the .bashrc or shell start-up file should be edited to include the path.

Now execute your favorite editor me and follow the instructions on setting up your environment.


Small foot print version of JASSPA MicroEmacs. Runs without macro files.

Optional - Small foot print MicroEmacs may be run with no configuration files. This component may be built from the standard source. Use these binaries to give you Emacs on a box via a floppy with no configuration files.
jasspa-ne-apple-ppc-10.3-20091011.gz PPC Console only. Apple Mac OS-X (PPC) 10.3.x (Darwin 7.8.x) pre-built executable supporting console modes only.
jasspa-ne-apple-x86-20091011.gz Intel Console only. Apple Mac OS-X (Intel) pre-built executable supporting console modes only.


  # As root.
  gunzip -c /path-to-tarball/jasspa-ne-apple-mac-10.3-yyyymmdd.gz > /usr/bin/ne
  chmod a+rx /usr/bin/ne


This program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

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