
Microsoft Windows Download

Complete Package

Downloads for the Microsoft windows platform. Uninstall any existing MicroEmacs version before attempting to install a new version.

Download Image Pre-built Installation Files
Microsoft Windows '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista Inno Setup packaged installer. Includes source, macros, spelling dictionaries, utility binaries and help.


Small foot print version of JASSPA MicroEmacs. Runs without macro files (except Microsoft Windows).

Optional - Small foot print MicroEmacs may be run with no configuration files. This component may be built from the standard source. Use these binaries to give you Emacs on a box via a floppy with no configuration files.
jasspa-new-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows executable '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista - Window version - standard build Also requires ne.emf
jasspa-ne-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows executable '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista - Console version. Also require ne.emf
ne.emf Optional NE configuration used with the windows version to configure the language and screen colours. Place this file in the same directory as the executable.


Additional downloads for the Microsoft windows platform.

Optional Components - Selection of miscellaneous items.
jasspame.pdf JASSPA MicroEmacs Quick Start Guide.
jasspa-mechm-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows Help file documentation (New HTML help format).
jasspa-mehlp-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows Help file documentation (Deprecated help format).
jasspa-me-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista pre-built executable only (Windows version).
Will also require memacros or metree to run.
jasspa-mecw-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista pre-built executable only (Console + Window version).
Will also require memacros or metree to run OR may be used to replace the Install Shield executable.
jasspa-mec-ms-win32-20091011.zip Microsoft Windows '95/'98/NT/2K/XP/Vista pre-built executable only. ME console support only.
Will also require memacros or metree to run.
Pre-built macros tree for installation, includes macros and help information.
jasspa-meicons-ms-win32-20090909.zip meicons icon source files for the Microsoft Windows environment.

Win32s Downloads

Win32s downloads - this release is no longer maintained.

Win32s Components - Windows 3.11 binaries.
jasspame.pdf JASSPA MicroEmacs Quick Start Guide.
jasspa-mewinhlp-ms-win32-20060909.zip Microsoft Windows Help file documentation.
jasspa-me-ms-win32s-20060909.zip Microsoft Windows 3.11 pre-built MicroEmacs executable only (Windows version).
Will also require metree to run.
jasspa-nec-ms-win32s-20060909.zip Microsoft Windows 3.11 pre-built NanoEmacs executable only (Console).
Also require ne.emf
jasspa-new-ms-win32s-20060909.zip Microsoft Windows 3.11 pre-built NanoEmacs executable only (Window).
Also require ne.emf
Pre-built macros tree for installation, includes macros and help information.
meicons.zip meicons icon source files for the Microsoft Windows environment.

Win32s and Windows Manual Installation

Manual installation is required under Win32s and may be optionally performed in Win32 environments (95/98/NT/2K/XP/Vista). This is very similar to the MS-DOS installation.

Unpack the metree zip package to form the macro tree, this creates the directory jasspa. This is typically extracted to c:\Program Files (Win32s may use c:\jasspa).

  c: cd "\Program Files"
  unzip jasspa-metree-yyyymmdd.zip

The executable is placed in the jasspa directory:

  cd "\Program Files\jasspa"
  unzip jasspa-me-win32-yyyymmdd.zip

Unlike MS-DOS then short cuts are typically used to launch the editor. The editor short-cut is typically edited with command line option -c to restore the previous session when launched.


This program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

By downloading any material from this site you agree to these conditions.